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George Fox

George Fox


George Fox is a paralegal in the criminal defence team based in our Woking office. George joined Blackfords LLP in October 2024 after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Cardiff University. He intends to undertake the SQE part-time to fulfill his aspiration of becoming a qualified solicitor.  

As a paralegal, George assists the solicitors in the team with an extensive range of criminal matters, including dishonesty offences, gang crime and fraud. In this role, he is responsible for arranging representation at police interviews and courts.  

George frequently liaises with clients and the police to ensure coordination at each stage of criminal proceedings. He aims to deliver a consistently professional service, drawing on his voluntary work with Age Cymru UK and Victim Support.  

George has a particular interest in whitecollar crime and regulatory matters. As part of his 9,000-undergraduate dissertation, he produced a critical analysis of the UK’s past and present counter-fraud policies.  

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