Representation & Police Station Advice
Concerned about police station advice in the UK? If you are ever arrested or asked to go to the Police Station voluntarily, you are entitled to free independent legal advice no matter what your financial circumstances are.
At Blackfords LLP we have a dedicated team of Solicitors and Accredited Police Station Representatives who are available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, to come to your assistance and provide you with this essential free advice and assistance. All our team has considerable experience in dealing with a wide range of offences, from the relatively minor to the most serious.
Whatever may have happened to you, the experience of being questioned by the Police is extremely daunting, stressful and complex. That is why the law states that you must be told of your right to have this free advice and assistance when you are questioned by the Police.
If you are ever arrested all you need do is simply tell the Police you wish for Blackfords LLP to assist you. The Police will then call us and we will arrange to attend and advise you.
If you are asked to attend the Police Station as a volunteer, you are still entitled to free legal advice. Just call us beforehand to arrange for a representative from our firm to attend the Police Station with you, or if out of office hours, please call ours out of hours dedicated Police Station telephone numbers which can be found on our contact page.
You have rights whilst at the Police Station and this is perhaps the most important of them all. Remember it is free.
The decision that you make whether to answer questions in your Police Interview or not is often the most important stage in any criminal investigation. It is vital that you obtain legal advice. Do not be alone at such an anxious and worrying time, let Blackfords LLP help you.
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