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Magistrates’ Courts

All criminal cases are commenced in the Magistrates’ Court. Very serious allegations will immediately be transferred to the Crown Court.

If you have been charged by the police, have received a postal requisition from the police or Crown Prosecution Service or a summons from another law enforcement body we recommend that you contact us.

We will be able to provide you with advice on the offence that you face, the court procedure, whether you should plead guilty or not guilty and the consequences of doing either.

Some allegations can be tried in the Magistrates’ Court or the Crown Court, there are evidential and tactical considerations for choosing both; we can advise you regarding this decision.

It is our job to achieve the best outcome for you at court, be it by securing an acquittal if you plead not guilty or mitigating for you to secure the lowest sentence available if you plead guilty or are convicted.

All of our lawyers are skilled advocates with significant experience of appearing in court.

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