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Helen Worden


"Extremely experienced, extremely well regarded and one of the strongest in her geographical area"

Chambers & Partners


Helen joined Blackfords LLP at its launch in April 2007 and has been actively involved in the expansion of the Family and Public Law Child Care Team which she now heads.

Helen has considerable experience in all areas of family law. She now deals primarily in cases concerning complex children matters where Social Services have become involved, representing parents, guardians, children, grandparents and other family members. Most of Helen’s clients are from recommendations and previous client referrals.

Helen has expertise in dealing with complex cases involving allegations of sexually inappropriate behaviour and non-accidental injuries.

Helen has been involved in a number of complex cases representing the child. Including the reported cases below where the case went to the Court of Appeal twice and the Supreme Court.

Helen became a member of the Law Society’s Children Panel in 1997. This is a panel where members will have shown that they have and will maintain a high level of knowledge, skill, experience and practice in the area of children law.

  • What the directories say

    Recommended Lawyer – Legal 500, 2021

    Recommended lawyer – Chambers & Partners 2019

    • “Empathic and meticulous. She has an excellent manner with clients, and is particularly good with vulnerable clients.” Legal 500, 2021
    • “Calm, methodical and brings rigorous challenges to cases” – Legal 500, 2019
    • “She’s extremely experienced, extremely well regarded and one of the strongest in her geographical area” – Chambers & Partners 2018
    • “Has a strong sense of justice and is incredible thorough in her case preparation” – Legal 500 2017
  • Notable cases
    • Re J (A Child: Disclosure) [2012] EWCA Civ 1204
    • Re A (A child) [2012] UKSC60
    • Re J (A child) [2014] EWCA Civ 875
    • Re A (A child : Implacable Hostility) [2015] EWCA Civ 910
  • Memberships and associations

    Law Society’s Children Panel

    Association of Lawyers for Children, an organisation that promotes the welfare and rights of children.

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